Angelie Fulton


From a simple dream to an internationally recognized institution, Of The Saints emerges. With accolades from local publications, to overtures from Vogue, Vanity Fair… Of The Saints landed on its feet at the 2019 NYFW where it debuted. For the first time in history, yoga apparel was parading down its runway to the oohs and aahs from top fashion critiques.

The bodysuits (bikini, romper, and long-legged alike) are now officially defined as The attire with which to address this 5000 year old spiritual discipline. Our line is well researched. Exceptionally lightweight material allows the body to breathe with openings at vital muscles enabling your instructor to monitor correct body posture. Just as we have bread knives to sever french baguettes, drivers to send balls off the tee, and rubber soles to navigate tennis courts, Of The Saints delivers the proper tool.

A lot of thoughts and purpose has gone into the Of The Saints designs. Angelie Fulton has chosen friends she calls her muses. Each design is custom-cut for the Muse for whom is it named. Each design in turn represents the personality of its Muse. It might be spunky and sassy, or demure and understated, it could be strict, intelligent, or mysterious....even just plain sexy. It is Angelie's hope that the recipient might exude these qualities (knowingly or not) and carry the spirit forward. It is their gift to her and hers to them. We are not simply a clothing company we are an all embracive family.